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HomeProduct name listVitamin A

Vitamin A

  • CAS NO.:11103-57-4
  • Empirical Formula: C20H30O
  • Molecular Weight: 286.46
  • MDL number: MFCD00001552
  • EINECS: 234-328-2
  • Update Date: 2024-05-21 17:03:17
Vitamin A Structural

What is Vitamin A?

The Uses of Vitamin A

vitamin A can act as a keratinization regulator, helping to improve the skin’s texture, firmness, and smoothness. Vitamin A esters, once in the skin, convert to retinoic acid and provide anti-aging benefits. Vitamin A is believed to be essential for the generation and function of skin cells. Continued vitamin A deficiency shows a degeneration of dermal tissue, and the skin becomes thick and dry. Surface application of vitamin A helps prevent skin dryness and scaliness, keeping the skin healthy, clear, and infection resistant. Its skin regeneration properties appear enhanced when combined with vitamin e. Vitamin A is a major constituent of such oils as cod liver and shark, and many fish and vegetable oils. See also retinol; retinoic acid; retinylpalmitate.

Properties of Vitamin A

storage temp.  -20°C
solubility  All retinol esters are practically insoluble in water, soluble or partly soluble in anhydrous ethanol and miscible with organic solvents. Vitamin A and its esters are very sensitive to the action of air, oxidising agents, acids, light and heat. Carry out the assay and all tests as rapidly as possible, avoiding exposure to actinic light and air, oxidising agents, oxidation catalysts (e.g. copper , iron), acids and heat; use freshly prepared solutions.

Safety information for Vitamin A

Computed Descriptors for Vitamin A

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